Top agent Delilah dies in a risky mission against weapon dealer Kercharian. But she's revived with high-tech medicine and artificial body parts. As invincible superwoman she returns and ... See full summary ?
更新信息: 35集全
评分: 1.9
上映日期: 2006-11-10
导演: 孔祥华
演员表: 德博拉·哈蒙, 帕克·索耶, 真山知子, 斯坦·弗雷贝格, Dela Maria V, 凯莉·唐纳利, Christine Hakim
类型: Fantasy
语言: 拉, 挪
地区: 澳大利亚 Australia, 法国 / 瑞士 / 德国